Remote Work

Working in Pajamas: Guide to Productive Remote Work

by Sep 6, 2021

Working in Pajamas: Guide to Productive Remote Work

by | Sep 6, 2021 | Work from home

I admit it. I work in my PJs. I roll out of bed in the morning and get right to work without passing go or collecting my $200. (Though, the $200 would be a nice benefit.)

This is a luxury that I can afford because I work at home.

But many remote work experts suggest that to learn discipline, you should always dress for the home office just like you would for any other office. Rather than focusing on the theater of being more productive, I decided to use other methods. So, unless I have a face-to-face or a Zoom meeting, I skip the morning shower, keep my hair in a ponytail and work in my pajamas.

And I have found that I am not less productive. Here’s how I do it.

Keep a Weekly To-Do List

Each week, I write down everything I have to do Monday through Friday. I use the Keep it Together with Sarah’s Scribbles calendar because it’s adorable, but any desktop planner will do. When I complete a task, I cross it off. I can add tasks as they come up too. Over the course of the week, the page gets filled in with lots of other notes as well.

Recognize Your Body’s Natural Rhythms

Everyone has different patterns. It is more important than ever to understand and work with your natural ebb and flow when you’re working from home. I am a morning person, so I work best between when I wake up and lunchtime. Critical tasks are done during this time frame.

Take Frequent Breaks

While I’m working, I allow myself to check Facebook from time to time. If I have to do laundry, I do laundry. I get the mail. I pet the cat. I load the dishwasher. I haven’t found that any of these small breaks impede my ability to perform my job.

Working from home is a great opportunity, but don’t get caught up in the ways you’re supposed to do it. Choose the solutions that work for you and focus on your results rather than your hours.

Virtual Office Benefits

Being a virtual company allows for remote work for increased productivity, a reduction in commuting costs, and more flexibility. DPEG Marketing Company significantly lower overhead and technology costs – making for a more cost-efficient solution to modern working. Learn more about how a virtual company can work for you? 

Call us at 828-333-3816; our consultations are free.

Don’t Leave Just Yet



Laura LaVoie

Laura LaVoie


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